Turning Arizona Blue – On the Ground in Maricopa County


Choices about where to work the elections are always a mixture of strategic judgment and family circumstances. In 2016 my wife Christina and I decided to work for Hilary Clinton in Rockingham County New Hampshire. My mother lived at the time in North Andover Massachusetts right across the border. So election work trying to stop Trump was combined with time with Elinor Olney and a free place to stay. We correctly saw the danger that Trump posed and we worked alongside many others to successfully to flip New Hampshire to Hillary and a Senate seat to the Democrats. 

In 2018 it was time to flip the House of Representatives to put a check on Trump’s dangerous agenda and actions. California CD 39 in Orange County was a perfect fit for me because I could commute 25 miles from El Monte, the hometown of Christina and where my mother-in-law lives.  My mother-in-law Ramona Pérez became the darling of the campaign as she baked lasagna-sized trays of oatmeal raisin cookies for volunteers who I coordinated.

Pre Covid 2020 I was headed to Tucson and Pima County because my 96-year-old cousin Sig Olney resides in Oro Valley north of Tucson. But Covid dictated a shift in plans and Maricopa County, where Phoenix is the county seat, became the destination for my Dump Trump activity this year.

Arizona with its 11 electoral votes was designated a “Tri-Fecta” state. We had the opportunity to flip a historic red state to blue, a Senate seat to Democratic control and gain a majority in the state legislature – crucial to redistricting post census. Maricopa County is the big prize in Arizona. Over half of the state’s residents, 4.9 million, reside there. No Democrat since Harry Truman in 1948 has carried the county or the state. In 2016 Trump carried the County by a margin of 45,000, and it was the largest county in population nationwide that he won in his election triumph. But Maricopa is changing. The population is 31% Latinx. Labor, community and immigrants’ rights groups battled to rid the County of racist Joe Arpaio who delighted in humiliating Latino immigrants in his 24 years as Sheriff. Organizations like LUCHA (Living United for Change in Arizona)) played a major role in the winning battle to dump Arpaio in 2016 and were geared for election 2020. The fact that Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees (HERE) Local 11 based in Los Angeles had absorbed the union’s hospitality members in Arizona and were committed to working the Arizona election was a good sign for activists interested in achieving the Trifecta. And in the midst of the pandemic HERE announced that it was deploying staff and members to key swing states like PA, FLA, NEV and AZ to work the doors. This fact alone was what drew me to their operation.

The HERE was the only labor union “on the doors”. Direct discussions with voters to commit them to candidates and more importantly to commit the supporter to actually vote by mail, early or on Election Day are crucial to winning. No other national union in America committed to going to the doors of voters. I think this is one big mistake that labor made even factoring in the pandemic. Voters in Maricopa County welcomed us at the doors. 

Peter and Nelson Perez-Olney masked up and ready for door knocking

HERE ran a program with strict health protocols – daily temperature checks and pre-screening. We wore masks and visors appearing often to look like medical personnel or riot police. All briefings were carefully conducted outdoors and partners riding in cars looked like Uber fares as the driver sat in front with a partner in the back, windows open and AC on in 95-degree heat. HERE did two months of doors without casualties. My wife quarantined me when I returned from Arizona and I tested negative for Covid at Kaiser.

We were assigned 80 doors a shift working for up to eight hours into the evening. Our job was to first ID support then commit supporters to vote immediately by mail or to commit to a plan to do early voting prior to November 3. A plan was recorded with the canvasser then we followed up with a reminder text: 

“Miguel I talked with you yesterday about voting. Hope you were able to deliver your ballot! Thanks “Peter for Biden”

“We did it this morning. Thanks for following up! Two more for Biden”, Miguel

Privacy and anonymity were not an issue. As in union organizing, the key is public commitment and execution. It belies all the American norms of respecting the privacy and sanctity of secrecy in voting. This aggressive approach may rub some the wrong way, but it wins union representation elections and it is key to winning political elections. I believe that if some of the other major unions with strong organizing programs had hit the doors in swing states our margins would have increased considerably. Fortunately we have hung on for a squeaker, but a squeaker victory due to forces like HERE, LUCHA and Seed the Vote an activist organization from California, which flooded battleground states with committed volunteers. Seed the Vote mobilized over 7000 volunteers nationwide and deployed them with partners in Arizona, Pennsylvania and Florida.  In Georgia the group Stacy Abrams’ group “Fair Fight” may well have flipped the state for Biden and forced Senate races into runoffs (one Senate seat was a special election).

My son Nelson, an IBEW union electrician, decided to join me on this mission. He and I made the 12-hour trip from SF to Phoenix in his car on October 21. Without his attention to detail and his energy I would not have been able to handle the grueling regimen. He was so inspired by the program on the ground in Maricopa County that he decided to stay beyond October 31 and work the doors through Election Day. He committed to returning to his local and teaching his sister and brother union members the canvassing techniques that he learned in Arizona.

Our turf in Maricopa County was the City of Chandler with about 250,000 inhabitants in the southeast corner of the County. It is home to the largest domestic manufacturing facility of Intel where prototype computer chips are fabricated.  The city has a surging Latinx population of Mexican immigrants accounting for about 30% of the population.

We found ourselves one day in neighborhoods that were trailer parks with large Latinx communities. The next day we would sneak through automatic security gates to penetrate neighborhoods that had luxury homes on golf courses. We found Biden supporters in both neighborhoods largely because we had lists of Democratic registered voters and newly registered voters. I had a retiree testify to his support for Biden fresh from the golf course where he had shot an 86, a pretty fair handicap for a senior. One of the interesting features of many neighborhoods was the battle of the yard signs. 

My favorite hand written yard sign was: Flush the Orange Turd on November 3rd!”. Trump signs and flags were always the biggest and most prominent however, and we ran into a three-mile-long car and truck caravan for Trump on Sunday, October 25th.

In the end our work contributed to the flipping of Maricopa County (plus 46,000 for Biden) and thus the whole state of Arizona by 18,713 votes (as of 8:35 PST 8 Nov). We flipped the Senate seat aiding ex-astronaut Mark Kelly to victory. Our efforts to complete the Trifecta were not successful however as the Republicans continue to hold the state legislature. 

Perhaps the biggest victory beyond individual candidates was the victory for Proposition 208, which taxed the rich to raise money for teacher salaries and the Arizona schools.

The heroes of this election season are the millions of citizen volunteers throughout the country who texted, phoned and post carded, but perhaps the biggest contribution nationally was the work of the beleaguered HERE which lost 80% of its members in the hospitality industry because of the pandemic. They bet all their remaining resources on working the doors to great effect in Nevada, Arizona and Pennsylvania. Susan Minato, Co-President of HERE LA local 11 summed up the union’s work in Arizona:

“UNITE HERE Local 11 has been running political campaigns in Arizona since 2007. During this pandemic, this cycle has been no exception. We knocked on 800,000 doors, made 2.5 million calls, and talked to 250,000 Arizonans. More important than any demographic changes, it is the face-to-face conversations with voters that has made Arizona turn blue in 2020.” 

There will be extensive commentary on the left in the coming days about the fact that the Biden campaign and program did not offer anything in the area of economic or racial justice but rather a “Return to Normalcy”.  This is no doubt true and the passage of a $15 minimum wage in Florida where Biden lost is symptomatic. However once Biden became the nominee the die was cast and aggressive campaigning and support for the Biden/Harris ticket was necessary to “Dump Trump”. Trump’s utter disregard for public health and safety meant that he was free to run an aggressive ground game with “spreader” rallies and car caravans. Labor’s failure beyond HERE to get on the doors early and often was a huge hole in our operation and accounts for some of the tightness of the vote in many states. Going forward …….

Georgia on My Mind:

Next stop is Georgia. Let’s make sure that Biden is not tempted to “Reach Across the Aisle” to make deals with Mitch McConnell. January 5th in Georgia we will have the chance to flip two Senate seats and create a 50-50 Senate with Kamala Harris casting the deciding ballot! All eyes are on Georgia, and all hands need to be on deck to flip both those seats. Georgia activists may not want Yankee carpetbaggers, but they will want texting, phoning, post carding and money. And hopefully this time labor unions will all unite to bang the doors. If volunteers for the doors are needed, my bags are already packed!

Trump evicted but work remains


It’s been a long road and in about two months he’ll be gone.

But there remains in Georgia TWO U.S. Senate seats to be determined in a special election on January 5th, 2021, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff need your help in whatever way you can give it.

A Common Defense: Mobilizing Veterans in Labor To Beat Trump and the GOP

By and

During his 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump dissed a Gold Star family that lost a son in Iraq. He called Senator John McCain, America’s most famous prisoner of war, a “loser” for being captured in Vietnam. When asked about widespread sexual assault in today’s military, he dismissed it as a problem. He had to be publicly shamed into making a promised donation to veterans’ charities.

His opponent, Hillary Clinton, was backed by more than 100 former high-ranking officers. Trump was endorsed by only a few. Nevertheless, on election day four years ago, most military veterans ending up voting for a wealthy recipient of five draft deferments. Among former military personnel, Trump beat Clinton by a 26-point margin, a bigger percentage of the “vet vote” than McCain’s own share when he ran against Barack Obama in 2008. 

A Pew Poll conducted last Fall showed that Trump remained popular among veterans, even as his ratings began to sink among other constituencies.  U.S. military intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan– which Trump criticized as a candidate in 2016 and, again at West Point this year—is now viewed unfavorably by a majority of the vets surveyed.  In blue collar communities in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin which suffered some of the highest post 9/11 combat-casualty rates, veterans and their neighbors helped Trump carry those decisive swing states four years ago.

To repeat that regional sweep and give Trump a second term, the Republican Party has again targeted the nation’s 20 million veterans as a key voting bloc. Among the groups trying to prevent the GOP from out-organizing the Democratic Party among veterans and military families are the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and Common Defense, a national organization of progressive veterans.

Veterans for Social Change

Last month 14 military veterans completed the Communications Workers’ first-ever Veterans for Social Change Training Institute, where the curriculum included skills useful in electoral campaigning. The union is trying to help prevent the GOP from out-organizing the Democratic Party among veterans and military families.

CWA and Common Defense unveiled their joint initiative in the fall of 2019, when CWA President Chris Shelton, an Air Force veteran and former telephone worker, launched a “Veterans for Social Change Program.” Its purpose is to “develop and organize a broad base of CWA activists who are veterans and/or currently serving in the military.” As the union notes, veterans, active duty service members, and military families “are constantly exploited by politicians and others who seek to loot our economy, attack our communities, and divide our nation with racism and bigotry so they can consolidate more power amongst themselves.” CWA seeks to counter these Trump-era threats by encouraging veterans in its own ranks to engage in grassroots campaigns with community allies and increase awareness of veterans’ issues within CWA, like the need for a strong fully funded veterans’ healthcare system.

Last October, CWA local leaders who served in the military joined veterans from around the country at a Common Defense sponsored Veterans Organizing Institute (VOI). Previous weekend sessions of the VOI had helped train a network of hundreds of younger veterans to organize more effectively in their own communities, counter the influence of big money in politics, and make politicians more accountable to poor and working-class people. At the training conference attended by CWA members, union activists from swing states like Ohio, Arizona, North Carolina, and Texas shared organizing experiences and learned new skills useful in electoral campaigning and day-to-day advocacy for fellow workers and veterans.

“The VOI provides a great introduction to getting a grassroots movement started and getting veterans, labor, and the community all working together,” says John Blake, a Brick N.J. electrician who attended the training. After Blake left active duty in 2004, he used the GI Bill to go to vocational school. His step-father is a union electrician so he also got strong family encouragement to join the apprenticeship program of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). Blake is now a member of IBEW Local 400, where he chairs veterans’ committees in his own local and the AFL-CIO central labor council (CLC) in his area. 

On the organization chart of the AFL-CIO, its national affiliates, and local CLCs, the dual identity of union members who served in the military has long been acknowledged via the existence of such committees. But their level of activity may be low unless an activist like Blake takes the lead in “making our union brand more appealing to vets coming out of the service.” His Local 400 does this by participating in local events like “Operation Ruck It,” an annual fundraising walk to raise awareness about veteran suicide,

 Vet Organizations, Old and New

 According to the Economic Policy Institute, about 16% of all veterans—1.2 million men and women–are covered by a union contracts (compared to 10.3% of all workers). They are most heavily represented in the American Federation of Government Employees and American Postal Workers, where veterans have a strong collective identity and internal union presence. On an individual basis, union members who are veterans may also belong to local posts of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, or AMVETS. But these old-line groups tend to be conservative on military and foreign policy issues and not much engaged with issues affecting veterans as workers. Common Defense, in contrast, proclaims its commitment to “progressive values” and seeks partnerships with like-minded unions working for social and economic justice.

Last year, Will Attig, who leads the AFL-CIO’s Union Veterans Council, invited both Common Defense and VoteVets, an advocacy group more closely aligned with the Democratic Party, to discuss their work at a meeting of national union political directors. Attig is a combat veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, who joined a southern Illinois local of the Plumbers and Pipefitters after he left the military. He did legislative/political work for his own union and then the Illinois state fed before moving to AFL-CIO headquarters in Washington. After the presentations he helped arrange, both CWA and the IBEW contacted Common Defense about sending members to VOI training.

Common Defense grew out of anti-Trump organizing in 2016. Co-founders of the group first met during protests over Trump’s failure to donate money to veterans’ charities, as promised during a campaign event in Iowa. One of the protestors was ex-Marine Alex McCoy, then attending Columbia University on the GI Bill. He and a group of like-minded vets “felt really strongly about Trump constantly using veterans as props while running a campaign that was so founded in hate and division.” During Trump’s first term, Common Defense rallied its 20,000 supporters to call for his impeachment. The group endorsed Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren for president, during the 2020 Democratic Presidential primaries, after both helped solicit other Congressional signers of a pledge to end “forever wars” in the Middle East. One particular target of Common Defense lobbying is military veterans now serving on Capitol Hill after mid-term election victories that gave Democrats control of the House in 2018.

Veterans Organizing Institute trainings, conducted by Common Defense staff members like McCoy, are designed to hone the political skills of veterans involved in unions, community organizations, and electoral campaigns.  Four months after his VOI training, Frank J. Cota, a Marine Corps veteran and vice-president of CWA Local 7026 in Tucson was in Washington, DC., as part of a group of CWA veterans urging Congress to pass the PRO Act, legislation that would strengthen private sector organizing and bargaining rights. McCoy believes that Common Defense can play a key support role in workplace organizing, particularly at firms like Amazon and Wal-Mart which brand themselves as “veteran friendly” and hire tens of thousands of former military personnel, while pursuing “anti-worker policies,” which often violate federal labor law.

For Racial Justice

When nationwide protests developed last June, after the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd, Common Defense leaders vigorously opposed military deployments in Washington, DC and other cities. Kyle Bibby, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and graduate of Annapolis, urged fellow veterans to stand against “Trump’s authoritarian plan to use the military as his personal storm troopers to suppress dissent.” A co-founder of the Black Veterans Project, Bibby condemned the “use of force by uniformed police and a culture of violence that seeks to dominate communities rather than serve and heal them.” Recalling his own past interactions with law enforcement, in and out of uniform, Bibby declared that “the police don’t care that I’ve gone to war to protect this country — I could be the next George Floyd solely due to the color of my skin.”

Common Defense activists, including Bibby, launched a new campaign, called “No War On Our Streets,” against police department use of $7 billion worth of hardware obtained from the Pentagon. “It was our equipment first,” says Bibby, who served in Afghanistan. “We understand it better than the police do … It’s important that we have veterans ready to stand up and say: ‘These weapons need to go.’” 

The educational efforts of veterans’ advocates allied with labor, like Common Defense and VoteVets, appear to be paying off. Not only is Trump faring poorly in presidential preference polls conducted among all likely voters, his stock is dropping among military personnel who helped him gain office in 2016.  Forty-one percent of the active duty personnel surveyed by Military Times said they were voting for Biden, while 37 percent still favored Trump.  In 2017, 46 percent of the troops polled by the same publicationhad a favorable opinion of the president.  Three years later, half of the respondents (49.9 percent) now held an unfavorable view of him, compared to just 38 percent who still liked him.  Among officers, the disapproval rate was even higher—59%–with more than half expressing strong disapproval. Nearly ¾ of those surveyed—officers and enlisted personnel—opposed Trump’s threatened use of the military to help police American cities during their civil unrest.

Progressives wooing the “vet vote” saw a similar shift in political sentiment in other states.   As Nov. 3 nears, the Biden campaign is clearly making inroads among post 9/11 veterans who are younger, female, and non-white, while ex-soldiers who are older, white males living in longtime Republican strongholds remained a harder bloc to crack. Angel Wells, an African-American Army veteran who works for AT&T in Arizona and belongs to CWA Local 7050, was among those union members protesting White House efforts to suppress voter turn-out by discrediting mail ballots and undermining Postal Service capacity to deliver them. As she pointed out, in an election year when 800,000 service members and their families stationed abroad were scheduled to vote that way, “mail in ballots for veterans is not that foreign a concept.” With a pandemic still raging, the economy cratering, and millions of workers, including veterans, finding their jobs, unions, or health care at risk, there were many reasons for voters who served in the military to choose a new commander in chief.


On 2 November Ken Casarez sent a this response, printed below:

November is Veterans Month…protecting our democracy through the ballot box. 

For those unfamiliar with the forum link below, offering a variety of thoughtful perspectives (instead of just my rants), please make acquaintance:

Voting is still precious in many places

Madness at the wheel:

The unfortunate result of generations of taught behavior, neglected youth and 4 years of Trump/McConnell special attention:


For some reality based thoughts through the airwaves:

Deep and lasting Peace starts closer than we might think.  Teach tolerance and respect.

And The Dude has cancer and Sir Sean is gone, wtf?

“It’s about the trees, man”;

“I’m an easy target because of my political opinions”


extra credit:

Conspiracy Nation with a Badge–

Just how low is the bar in law enforcement hiring?  

Barney meets Ernest T. Bass in real life…but both of them were imaginary, thus supposedly harmless.  

Way too many of these types with real badges, lot’s of bullets, and a bizarre attraction to breaking the laws and orange tinted skin.



Keeping with the retro theme, turning the dial on my clock radio, as the big numbers flipped, this AM station crackled in…and the 70’s was heard faintly in the background, you might catch it:

Conspiracy nation…

conspiracy fraud…

too scared to learn…

way beyond just simple and dumb…bum bum bum bum bum bum

and when your judgement day does come…

with DNA links to pond scum….

as you argue against science ’til kingdom comes…

…bum bum bum bum bum bum

Yeah, yeah..it’s kinda funny, but ok…apologies to everyone(especially the People)…except, well..you know those CT whackos listening in through my ear hair antenna with energy generated from my house socks on carpet which is transferred to the finch nests near my house by attaching to tiny feathers then carried around the globe on migrating birds and dwarf mongoose (don’t ask, it’s really scary stuff)…and, there is a good chance, a really good chance, that this is what really happened to Dr. Gonzo, and some suggest DB Cooper embroidered spotted owl feathers into his parachute…that’s right not finch feathers, so who knows what other birds are involved in this plot with mongeese. 

Many people have said…


Is Trump a programmed zombie droid, rejected as junk by the Kazakh Space program, fell to earth and secured in a bunker in the Nevada desert, but escaped and perma-marked with explosive powdered Cheetix orange, supposedly to aid in it’s recapture? Highly venomous, stuck on repeat, appeals to 4th grade bullies, prone to high crimes, do not aid and abet, etc…

Many people have said, I dunno?


(and what about the whole story with Pop Mechanics too?)


Thank you

Kenneth Casarez

November 3, 2020 LAST DAY TO VOTE
Protect yourself with education, ballots–and music;

“…out on the edge of darkness, there rides a peace train”

–Yusuf-the Cat

About the author

Suzanne Gordon

Suzanne Gordon is a co-founder of the Bay Area-based Veterans Healthcare Policy Institute. She and journalist Steve Early are co-authors of Our Veterans: Winners, Losers, Friends and Enemies on the New Terrain of Veterans Affairs, from Duke University Press, which reports on the Vanessa Guillen case. They can be reached at Lsupport@aol.com View all posts by Suzanne Gordon →

Steve Early

Steve Early is a NewsGuild/CWA member who supports Sara Steffens’ campaign for CWA president. He is a former CWA staff member in New England and also served as Administrative Assistant to the Vice-President of CWA District One, the union’s largest region. He is the author of five books about labor and politics, including Save Our Unions: Dispatches from a Movement in Distress (MRP, 2013) which reports on efforts to revitalize CWA and other unions. He can be reached at Lsupport@aol.com View all posts by Steve Early →

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Imagining the Worst: When Years of Relentless Denigration of Others Bears Fruit


“Jesus was asked what it meant to love your neighbor, and He replied by telling about a man who had been beaten and robbed on a lonely road. Without help he’d die—but the first two men who came across him ignored him. A third man, however, stopped, tended his wounds, and then took him to an inn and paid for his care. Although he was a foreigner, he alone was the true neighbor.” Billy Graham

“I love the best in you. You love the best in me.” Jane Siberry (from, “You Will Walk in Good Company”) 

The first time I ever heard of “Pizza Gate” was the week after Trump’s election in 2016.  A pleasant, mild-mannered fellow who’d been an occasional customer of ours at the Abingdon Farmers Market was telling me about his belief that Trump would be good for small businesses and family farmers.  I disagreed and expressed my grave concerns about Trump’s character.  “Well, I could never have voted for Hillary Clinton.  She is so dishonest, and she’s done such terrible things,” he said.  And then he told me about “Pizza Gate”.  If you missed that four years ago, it was the on-line conspiracy theory that Clinton and other powerful Democrats were holding child sex slaves in a secret basement chamber below Comet Ping Pong, a popular pizzeria in Washington, DC.  As this young man delineated the details of this conspiracy, I was incredulous.  “Where are you getting this?”, I asked.  “Oh, it’s all over.  It’s all over the internet.”  I suggested that he might want to double check the sources behind such extraordinary claims. He was pretty sure it was all true, though he allowed that “It does sound rather preposterous”.  “Maybe that’s a good reason to doubt it”, I said.

“Pizza Gate” was in many ways the precursor to Q Anon, the now much more widely held conspiracy theory that scores of Democrats, liberals and Hollywood elites are running an international, Satanic pedophilia ring, which also likely includes draining the blood of children and even cannibalism.  Just three months ago, a Q Anon offshoot held that Wayfair, the on-line furnishings store, was using coded language and exorbitant prices to cover their own trafficking in child sex slaves.

According to a recent poll, more than half of Republicans believe that Q Anon is either true or partially true.  For many, according to Religion News Service reporter, Katelyn Beaty, it is “taking on the power of a new religion”.  While conspiracy theories are embraced by people across the political spectrum, multiple studies have found that they are more intense and more enduring on the right than on the left.  In a 2020 analysis done by Sander van der Linden and colleagues, they found conspiracy theories embraced more strongly by conservatives than by liberals, and significantly more strongly among extreme conservatives than extreme liberals (1).  Joanne M. Miller and her colleagues investigated the factors behind embrace of conspiracy theories, focusing on two variables:  mistrust of the government and those in power; and the level of consumption of political news and content.  Their study demonstrated that for both liberals and conservatives, low levels of trust in government inclined people to believe in conspiracy theories.  However, for conservatives, increased levels of information (“knowledge”) exacerbated conspiratorial thinking, while for liberals it diminished it (2).

For those on the right, conspiracy theories are both an end and a means, a way of galvanizing the base in common purpose while intensifying the shared hatred of liberals, Democrats and progressives.  

From Q Anon, to “Sandy Hook was a hoax”, nearly all of the most prevalent conspiracy theories of the past ten years have emerged and nested on the right.  They’ve energized thousands, even millions of conservatives and accentuated partisanship and ever more extreme polarization. 

Liberals tend instinctively to dismiss people who believe in conspiracies like Q Anon as uneducated fools, closed minded dupes.  But that’s off-base.  As Steven M. Smallpage and his colleagues show in their 2017 study, “partisan conspiracy theories are not merely markers of psychological quirks, alienation, or psychopathology, but rather of shared core associations—similar to issue ownership (Petrocik, 1996)—with a major political party. Conspiracy theories clearly communicate partisan content and therefore could be used as strategic signals. The content embedded in conspiracy theories signals to partisans who the sender is, who the villain is, and what the potential danger is. This demonstrates the potential for conspiracy theories to generate collective action.” (3)

For those on the right, conspiracy theories are both an end and a means, a way of galvanizing the base in common purpose – fighting a global cabal of satanic pedophiles, for instance – while intensifying the shared hatred of liberals, Democrats and progressives.  While most of the theories and the most extreme vitriol is directed at liberal elites, it is increasingly common on the ground, as well.  Rumors that antifa set the fires that ravaged southwestern Oregon in September, spread like, well, wildfire, even as local sheriffs’ departments made categorical denials and pleaded for people to stop spreading them.  Similar rumors that antifa or Black Lives Matter agitators are “coming for us” have sparked fear and spawned gatherings of heavily armed, nearly all-white vigilante defenders in many small towns across the country.

In short, right wing conspiracy theories are the front edge of a much more widely held loathing of liberals that permeates most major conservative organizations and a large swath of the Republican Party.  When Bill Walton, president of the conservative Council for National Policy said, in August, “This is a spiritual battle we are in.  This is good versus evil”, he was articulating what more and more on the right truly believe.  

Trump, of course, is by far the most powerful and prolific purveyor of this hate.  He is the standard bearer, but also the culmination of the constant din of dehumanization through which Glen Beck, Alex Jones, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter and so many other prominent right-wing pundits have been poisoning our society for a generation.  They, along with Trump, have utterly changed the stakes for disagreement along political and cultural lines.  They have turned ‘the other’ – us – into dangerous, loathsome creatures to be vanquished at any cost.  “This is good versus evil”, said Bill Walton, “and we have to do everything we can to win”.

In my little part of Appalachian Virginia, I find it hard to imagine that my neighbors fear and hate me for my known progressive beliefs.  We still get along; we see one another around town; some of them buy our produce.  But increasingly I fear that, while they may not hate me, a growing number may well hate my ilk.  Myself and other progressives make good local work a priority, whether it’s fixing up old community buildings, supporting our farmers markets or promoting local businesses.  And at some level, I think this diminishes the mistrust and helps preclude the worst divisions.  But as a nation, the rifts grow bigger by the day as does the intensity of the hate and the conviction of good vs evil.  So, call this a foolish plea, a naïve request, but to neighbors near and far, across the political spectrum I ask:  Can you love the best in us, if we commit to loving the best in you?


  1. Sander van der Linden, Costas Panagopoulos, Flavio Azevedo and John T. Jost, “The Paranoid Style in American Politics Revisited:  An Ideological Asymmetry in Conspiratorial Thinking”, Political Psychology, June, 2020
  2. Joanne M. Miller, Kyle L. Saunders and Christina E. Farhart, “Conspiracy Endorsement as Motivated Reasoning:  The Moderating Roles of Political Knowledge and Trust”, American Journal of Political Science, November, 2015.
  3. Steven M. Smallpage, Adam M. enders and Joseph E. Uscinski, “The partisan contours of conspiracy theory beliefs”, Research and Politics, October – December, 2017

Biding time with Biden and the possibilities of change


In the autumn of 1932, as the most desperate winter of the Depression approached, Franklin Delano Roosevelt campaigned for the presidency on a program of slashing federal spending by 25 percent. “I regard reduction in Federal spending as one of the most important issues of this campaign,” he declared in a speech in Pittsburgh that October. “In my opinion, it is the most direct and effective contribution that Government can make to business.” It would have taken uncanny foresight to predict that in just a few short years, FDR and his New Deal would become virtually synonymous with Keynesian deficit-spending and the creation of the nation’s first social safety net.

Roosevelt’s attachment to fiscal austerity was not mere campaign rhetoric. Six days after his inauguration, he sent the Economy Act to Capitol Hill, mandating $400 million in cuts to veterans’ pension benefits (the equivalent of $10.3 billion today) and another $100 million in reductions to federal employee pay.  By March 15th, it was law. “Under the leadership of Franklin Roosevelt,” the historian William Leuchtenburg has written, “the budget balancers won a victory for orthodox finance that had not been possible under Hoover.”

At the time of his election, Roosevelt was not an ideologically consistent politician. Determined to try anything to jump-start the moribund economy, he surrounded himself with a diverse group of advisers holding often contradictory views. In the First Hundred Days, the fiscal austerity of The Economy Act was incongruously coupled with expensive state-sponsored initiatives like the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Tennessee Valley Authority, and the National Industrial Recovery Act.

Senator Huey Long spawned a network of 27,000 “Share Our Wealth” clubs that would loom as an electoral threat to FDR in 1936.

In popular imagination, the New Deal has come to be identified with far-reaching reforms that empowered workers and created the infrastructure for an enduring social safety net. But these achievements were only possible because vibrant mass movements reshaped the political landscape and pushed Roosevelt to the left. The Wagner Act, which required corporations to engage in collective bargaining with workers for the first time in U.S. history, offers a case in point. Its passage made possible the birth of the modern industrial labor movement, and “when passed,” one legal scholar has written, it “was perhaps the most radical piece of legislation ever enacted by the United States Congress.” But Roosevelt had little to do with its enactment. The president “never lifted a finger” for the bill, his Labor Secretary Frances Perkins would recall later. She continued: “Certainly, I never lifted a finger…. I, myself, had very little sympathy with the bill.” In 1934, the year before the bill passed, hundreds of thousands of workers went on strike and took to the streets of cities across the country. This action generated irresistible momentum for the new collective bargaining law. At the same time, unemployed workers rallied for relief; seniors demanded a measure of economic security in retirement; and populist Louisiana Senator Huey Long spawned a network of 27,000 “Share Our Wealth” clubs that would loom as an electoral threat to FDR in 1936. These powerful social movements transformed the 1932 apostle of austerity into the President who declared at a 1936 campaign rally that the forces of “organized money . . . are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred.” 

With Election Day less than two weeks away, it is worth recalling this New Deal dynamic of mass movements and social reform. For many of us, the 2020 Democratic primaries left a bitter taste of disappointment and resentment. The rapid consolidation of the Democratic establishment—and of the primary electorate—in support of Joe Biden in the days before Super Tuesday thwarted the left’s hopes of nominating a transformational standard bearer. And Biden, of course, has many shortcomings: a centrist legislative record, sometimes head-scratching rhetorical ineptitude, and an outdated penchant for bipartisan compromise. Yet history suggests that what you see on the campaign trail, or even in a candidate’s past legislative record, is not necessarily what you get from a president once in power. 

Transformational leadership is determined not only by the character, or even by the ideology of a particular leader, but by a complex interplay of social forces and historical circumstance. Perhaps most importantly, it is mass popular mobilization that can shift the frame of debate and push leaders beyond where anyone expected them to go. History demonstrates that this dynamic can produce surprising breakthroughs, even when activists may least expect them.

The radicals of 1860 were appalled. The Republican Party, declared William Lloyd Garrison, “may not be in all respects as bad as another party, but is so bad that I cannot touch it

In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was the compromise candidate of a political party whose stance on slavery leading abolitionists dismissed as an unacceptable compromise. The Republican Party, founded in 1854, accepted the prevailing constitutional interpretation that the federal government lacked the authority to outlaw slavery in the states where it existed; instead Republicans advocated “free soil,” preventing slavery’s spread into the new western territories, and for disassociating the federal government from direct support of slavery. This political expedience outraged abolitionists like Frederick Douglass, who fumed in 1855: “Free soilism is lame, halt and blind, while it battles against the spread of slavery, and admits its right to exist anywhere.”

The campaign dynamics of 1860 drew Lincoln in an even more cautious direction. In 1856, the anti-immigrant, “Know-Nothing” candidacy of former president Millard Fillmore had drained votes from Republican nominee John Frémont, leading to a decisive victory for the Democratic “slaveocracy.” Lincoln tried to avoid the same fate by courting nativist voters in Indiana, Illinois, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, that era’s battleground states. His campaign toned down Republican positions on denationalization of slavery, and highlighted other issues, like the tariff, to attract swing voters. 

The radicals of 1860 were appalled. The Republican Party, declared William Lloyd Garrison, “may not be in all respects as bad as another party, but is so bad that I cannot touch it, and will not give it any countenance whatsoever.” Edmund Quincy, anticipating the arguments of subsequent generations of radicals, claimed there was no meaningful difference between the two major parties.  The election was destined to produce, he wrote, “a new administration pledged to the support of slavery in our Southern States, and this equally, whether success be to the Democrats or the Republicans.” 

After Lincoln’s victory, abolitionist disillusionment with the new president continued to mount. Throughout much of 1861 and 1862, the President continued to insist that preservation of the union was the sole objective of the war, refused to recruit Black troops into the Union Army, and sought to placate slave-holding Border States with proposals for compensated emancipation and the overseas colonization of freed slaves. In June 1862, Wendell Phillips, perhaps the foremost white abolitionist orator and one of the most radical, erupted in anger in a letter to his friend, Charles Sumner, the Radical Republican senator from Massachusetts. “Lincoln is doing twice as much today to break this Union as Davis is. We are paying thousands of lives and millions of dollars as penalty for having a timid and ignorant President, all the more injurious because honest.” At a meeting of the New England Anti-Slavery Society in late May, Stephen Foster took his critique of the fledgling two-party system to the furthest extreme: “Abraham Lincoln is as truly a slaveholder as Jefferson Davis,” he said. “He cannot even contemplate emancipation without colonization.” 

But Lincoln was not the same as Jefferson Davis. He hated slavery, even if he was acutely attuned to northern political opinion and often calibrated his positions to sustain majority support for the war. And just like in the 1930s, grassroots agitation, legislative radicalization, and historical circumstance combined to bring Lincoln to a turning point in the struggle against slavery. Frederick Douglass traveled thousands of miles and gave hundreds of speeches demanding “abolition war” and the recruitment of Black troops into the Union war effort. A mass movement of runaway slaves—the “contrabands of war”—presented themselves to advancing Union armies, seeking refuge from bondage and offering to join the war effort. Finally, after the Battle of Antietam in September 1862, Lincoln announced plans for the Emancipation Proclamation, at last making abolition the primary objective of war. Black troops would be recruited to the cause, albeit at discriminatory rates of pay. As Karl Marx observed in an article in the New York Tribune, “Up until now, we have witnessed only the first act of the Civil War—the constitutional waging of war. The second act, the revolutionary waging of war, is at hand.”

By the mid-1950s, the rise of the CIO, which was committed to cross-racial industrial organization, coupled with the emergence of the civil rights movement of the 1940s, had shifted the racial politics …

Mass movements would shape presidential leadership a third time in the modern civil rights era. Lyndon Johnson was a dyed-in-the-wool New Deal Democrat who grew up dirt poor in the Hill Country of North Texas in the first decades of the twentieth century. His biographer, Robert Caro, writes that Johnson’s own poverty and humiliation left him deeply empathetic towards impoverished people of color, in particular the Mexican-American children he taught during a brief stint as a schoolteacher on the eve of the Great Depression. But Southern populist enthusiasm for New Deal programs like rural electrification, agricultural price supports, and public power was always limited by the imperative of preserving the region’s racial and economic status quo. One-party rule in the South helped to ensure segregationist dominance of Congressional chairmanships awarded according to strict rules of seniority; this “southern cage,” as Ira Katznelson has called it, guaranteed that much of the New Deal disproportionately excluded Black workers.

Institutional racism was complemented by unconcealed racist prejudice. Robert Parker, Johnson’s occasional chauffeur and, during the 1960s, the maître d’ of the Senate dining room, recalled in his autobiography that Johnson never called him by his given name. “He especially liked to call me nigger in front of southerners and racists like [Georgia Senator] Richard Russell,” wrote Parker. “It was . . . LBJ’s way of being one of the boys.” First elected to Congress in 1937, Johnson believed for two decades that his path to power lay in an alliance with the Southern segregationist bloc. He voted against legislation establishing a Fair Employment Practices Commission and a bill that would have outlawed poll taxes. He repeatedly helped Southern Senators filibuster civil rights legislation proposed by Northern Democrats. 

But social movements would force Johnson to revise his political calculus. Johnson rose to Senate Majority Leader in 1955, and soon began plotting a run for the presidency. Doing so meant navigating a far different political landscape than the one-party Southern oligarchy which had dictated his formative political decisions. By the mid-1950s, the rise of the CIO, which was committed to cross-racial industrial organization, coupled with the emergence of the civil rights movement of the 1940s, exemplified by A. Philip Randolph’s wartime campaign for fair employment within federal agencies and war-related production, had shifted the racial politics of the northern Democratic Party. The second wave of the Great Migration created significant Black voting blocs in many northern cities. And in 1955, the Montgomery bus boycott inaugurated the modern civil rights movement, in which Black-led, non-violent mass movements challenged nearly 100 years of Southern Jim Crow. Johnson recognized that a Southern Democrat with an unbroken record of hostility to civil rights could not be a credible national candidate for president. And so in 1957, drawing on all of his legendary skills as a legislative tactician, the “Master of the Senate” orchestrated the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1957, a bill with limited practical impact, but great symbolic significance as the first piece of civil rights legislation passed since Reconstruction. 

This dynamic only intensified after Johnson’s ascension to the presidency following John F. Kennedy’s assassination in November 1963. An escalating series of sit-ins, boycotts, and demonstrations across the South had forced the “American dilemma” to the forefront of national consciousness. Jim Crow had become an unsustainable Cold War embarrassment. With his eye firmly set on the 1964 election, Johnson moved quickly after Kennedy’s death to enact the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed discrimination in education, employment, and public accommodations, defeating a sixty-day filibuster. And once Johnson was re-elected, the pace of reform accelerated. The ongoing Black Freedom struggle, coupled with an outbreak of student protests like the Free Speech Movement in Berkeley, California, created a movement moment. 

The climactic confrontation on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in March 1965 prompted Johnson’s remarkable speech to a joint session of Congress eight days later, endorsing passage of sweeping voting rights legislation. When the president, for twenty years one of the nation’s staunchest segregationists, concluded his speech by drawling “We Shall Overcome,” Martin Luther King, watching on TV in Selma, cried. And voting rights was just the beginning. The movements had set the stage for one of the most remarkable flurries of progressive legislative activity in the nation’s history: Medicare, Medicaid, Head Start, Food Stamps, Model Cities, the Community Action Program, expansion of minimum wage and Social Security coverage, the Fair Housing Act, and numerous environmental protection laws were all established or consolidated. In an historical instant, Johnson’s Vietnam debacle would send millions of Americans into the streets to oppose his policies and vilify him personally. But for that brief period in the mid-1960s when presidential leadership rode the wave of mass progressive movements, enormous accomplishments were made.

“This is no personal contest. I shall not work for Abraham Lincoln; I shall work for the salvation of my country’s life . . . for the defeat of this disloyal peace party, that will bring ruin and death if it comes into power.”

Despite the unpredictability of the future and the historical specificity of past eras of progressive advance, the experiences of the 1860s, 1930s, and the 1960s offer several lessons for radical activists as November 3 approaches. First, the frustrating limitations of the U.S. two-party system are nothing new. We tend to think of “lesser-evilism” as a Hobson’s choice forced on progressives and labor activists after Democrats steadily abandoned New Deal politics and moved to the pro-corporate center in the years after Ronald Reagan’s ascendance. But the problem of choosing between the lesser of two evils is as old as the two-party system. Even after Lincoln’s emancipationist turn in 1863, many abolitionists remained deeply frustrated by his failure to accord Black soldiers equal treatment with their white counterparts and his reluctance to support voting rights for the freed slaves. Wendell Phillips, for example, declared he would “cut off both hands before doing anything to aid Abraham Lincoln’s election.” But most abolitionists ultimately came to believe that a victory for Democrat George McClellan would jeopardize the sacrifices and gains of the previous four years, and possibly result in a peace agreement which would leave the slave system intact. Anna Dickinson, a rising young star of the abolitionist lecture circuit, articulated this view in September 1864: “This is no personal contest. I shall not work for Abraham Lincoln; I shall work for the salvation of my country’s life . . . for the defeat of this disloyal peace party, that will bring ruin and death if it comes into power.” These words echo across the centuries, at a moment when our “country’s life,” and democracy itself, appear to hang in the balance.

The second lesson that we can draw from these historical precedents is that the rhetoric, the platforms, and even the past records of candidates are far less important than we often think. Radicals initially had scant reason to believe that Roosevelt, Lincoln, or Johnson might eventually produce some of American history’s most progressive accomplishments. But a combination of crisis and mass movements transformed these presidents, pushing them to enact far-reaching policies that were unimaginable at the beginning of their tenures. This is not to argue that Joe Biden is an FDR, LBJ, or Lincoln in waiting. But obsessing over his limitations misses the point. We can afford no illusions about the ground rules of the U.S. two-party system. Electing Biden is the precondition for progressive advance; Trump’s re-election would be a foreclosure of hope. We must therefore stay focused on two critical tasks: ending the regime of Donald Trump and building the mass movements that can make a Joe Biden presidency a transformational moment. 

Finally, we should recognize that across U.S. history, moments of progressive advance have been infrequent and relatively short-lived—1862 to 1875, 1933 to 1938, 1964 to 1968. We may be on the eve of another such moment, when possibilities of radical change open up in ways that were only recently inconceivable. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders fell short in the primaries, but their ideas captured the imagination of voters, particularly among youth, and shifted the terms of debate. For or against, all the Democratic candidates had to respond to the substantive challenges posed by Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, a new wealth tax, universal childcare, eliminating student debt, and a $15 an hour minimum wage. Just as “the labor question” shaped both elite and popular debate over how workers should be treated and production organized in the decades prior to the New Deal, the last decade has seen a steadily growing awareness of the need to address pressing issues of racial injustice and economic inequity. 

Then the pandemic hit, casting an unsparing light on the catastrophic inability of our society to meet the nation’s needs—and the profound racial and class inequities which determined who suffered the greatest impact of the crisis. It is a poignant historical irony that at the very moment when the candidacy of the candidate who did more to advance a social democratic program in U.S. politics than perhaps any politician in U.S. history was collapsing, an unprecedented social crisis erupted that made plain the need for an invigorated American social democracy, deeply informed by a commitment to racial justice—truly universal health care, a robust public health system, strengthened workers’ rights, massive investments in reversing climate change, universal child care, expanded paid family leave, and a stronger safety net for the unemployed. But Bernie’s ideas have outlived his campaign; coupled with the deeply disruptive impact of the pandemic, they have pushed Biden further to the left than any of us might have thought possible, on issues of climate, racial justice, and an expanded social safety net. And the magnificent impact of the Black Lives Matter upsurge over the last several months demonstrates the remarkable power of social movements to reshape public opinion and policy discourse in what seems like an instant. These conditions have set the table for an historic era of reform if we do our work over the next few months.

Let Frederick Douglass provide the last word. Despite his contempt for “free soilism,” Douglass understood that the Republican Party nevertheless represented a breakthrough in American politics—a major national party which, although not abolitionist, was contesting for power on anti-slavery principles. As the 1856 election approached, Douglass determined to cast his vote for what was clearly the “lesser of two evils.” His explanation of that decision resonates with the choices we face today. “Anti-slavery consistency itself requires of the anti-slavery voter that disposition of his vote . . . which, in all the circumstances . . . tend[s] most to the triumph of Free Principles,” Douglass argued. “Right anti-slavery action is that which deals the severest deadliest blow upon slavery that can be given at that particular time.”

Our first imperative in 2020 is a massive repudiation of Donald Trump. There is only one way to do that. A vote for Joe Biden will deal the deadliest blow against Trumpism, authoritarianism, racism, and reaction. Our second obligation is to organize social movements that will force President Biden and a Democratic Congress to take long overdue steps towards fundamental social and economic reform. We must be sharply focused on both tasks over the coming weeks and months.

This piece originally ran in Dissent Magazine 14 October 2020

About the author

Bob Master

Bob Master has worked in the labor movement for 43 years. He currently serves as Assistant to the Vice President for Political and Mobilization Activities in District One of the Communications Workers of America. He was a co-founder of the New York Working Families Party and is a member of the WFP National Executive Committee. He occasionally posts on Twitter @cwabobmaster View all posts by Bob Master →

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The Hundreds of Thousands of Stranded Maritime Workers Are the Invisible Victims of the Pandemic


Hundreds of thousands of maritime workers remain stranded at sea because many countries refuse to classify them as “essential workers” and because shipowners are prioritizing profits over worker safety. Seafarers have suffered enough — it’s time to bring them home.

The Avontuur ship, a two-masted schooner built in 1920. (Timbercoast)

I was at sea when the COVID-19 lockdowns hit in March. The restrictions on land initially meant little to us: we were already locked into a confined space, with no possibility of leaving. The realization of what was happening only kicked in later, when we arrived in Pointe-à-Pitre, the port of Guadeloupe in the French Antilles, on March 24.

We were meant to sail to Marie-Galante, one of Guadeloupe’s islands, to pick up a cargo of rum. But on March 19, we received a satellite message from our shipowner that we would not be allowed to make land anywhere in the Antilles. All ports in the area were closed. And pretty much every European country had gone into lockdown.

The world had certainly changed since we’d left the Canary Islands a few weeks earlier. The annual carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the second-largest celebration of its kind in the world, had gone off without any restrictions in late February. No face masks. No social distancing. No fear of community transmission.

Now we were in a completely different world. Would we be able to load the cargo as planned? Would we be able to provision for the remainder of the trip? Would we be allowed any shore leave after more than three weeks — and the entire Atlantic Ocean — on the water? And, most importantly, would we be allowed to change crews?

None of these questions were easy to answer. But as our captain and the shipowner explored options, one thing became clear: crew change would be very difficult. Even if any of the crew were allowed to step off in the French Antilles, new workers would have to replace them. Because regardless of our personal plans, the ship would have to sail on, or else the shipping company would go bankrupt.

We weren’t unique in our predicament. At the time, some 1.6 million seafarers were working aboard commercial cargo ships, roughly the population of Philadelphia. Hardly any one of us would be allowed shore leave or crew change anytime soon. The result: a global “crew change crisis” for maritime workers that still hasn’t abated. Roughly four hundred thousand seafarers remain stranded.

Contract Extensions for the Common Good

In August, the secretary-general of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Kitack Lim, insisted that the estimated three hundred thousand seafarers then stranded must be repatriated. “A humanitarian crisis is taking place at sea, and urgent action is needed to protect seafarers’ health and ensure the safety of shipping,” Lim said in a statement. “Overly fatigued and mentally exhausted seafarers are being asked to continue operating vessels, increasing the risk of shipping casualties.”

As early as April 1, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) had been sounding the alarm bell. As the Philippines and Ukraine — two countries with large maritime labor forces — closed their borders in March, crew change became practically impossible. At the same time, flag states like Panama — countries with “open” shipping registries and large commercial fleets — allowed contracts to extend beyond the eleven-month statutory maximum under the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC).

The MLC sets out basic requirements regarding maximum working hours, minimum rest hours, and maximum contract length. Though well below those of many rich countries, they provide enforceable standards for the many seafarers who work on ships that fly flags of convenience — issued by “flag states” that often lack strict labor, safety, and environmental regulations.

Initially, seafarers and the ITF accepted contract extensions without much complaining. They recognize that people ashore rely on the goods they supply. But few countries have deemed them “essential” or “key” workers — something the IMO has called for since April 1 — which would allow them to travel to and from work despite COVID-19 restrictions. So many seafarers, who often have to catch international flights to get back home, remain stranded.

Sailing With a Mission

I have been comparatively lucky. On July 23, I was able to disembark with my fellow crew members of the Avontuur in Hamburg, Germany and travel home to Australia without much fuss within days.

Fifteen of us had been stuck aboard — most of us for more than six months, the first officer and me for five months. But three key things set us apart from almost every other cargo vessel.

First, we were on a sailing vessel. A two-masted schooner built in 1920, to be precise. This made us exceptional in both age and propulsion technology: most cargo vessels have a lifespan of no more than twenty-five years, and virtually all of them run on massive fossil-fuel guzzling engines. As we were sailing, only two other cargo vessels were carrying cargo across the Atlantic under sail.

Second, the Avontuur, alongside a handful of other “sail cargo” vessels, sails with a mission: reducing carbon emissions from maritime cargo transport. Shipping goods by sea is less carbon-intensive than by rail, road, or air. But because we ship 90 percent of everything we consume, the total emissions from maritime transport amount to about as much as those from civil aviation. The Avontuur, along with other “sail cargo” vessels, aims to decarbonize shipping by using wind propulsion.

Third, our crew was a mix of professional seafarers and “shipmates,” who had paid Timbercoast, the shipping company that operates the vessel, to work on the ship. Such an arrangement, where professional and volunteer crew jointly operate traditional vessels is common on “sail training” and “sail cargo” ships. I was aboard as one of eight trainees, alongside seven professional crew, which consisted of a captain, two officers, a bosun, two deckhands, and a cook. I joined the voyage as a researcher exploring the revival of such sailing cargo vessels.

Overall, I did not feel the same uncertainty that many fellow seafarers do. Once it became clear that crew change in the Americas wasn’t going to happen, I knew all along that my journey would end in Hamburg. That was certain. The only uncertainty was when we’d arrive. And that was solely due to the fact that we relied on fickle winds to propel us there. Arriving we would — and we did.

Crew Change Remains in Crisis

On May 1, International Workers’ Day, we were docked in the port of Veracruz, Mexico. That day, all ships sounded their horns, rendering the invisible fate of stranded seafarers audible. Our protest call came in response to an invitation of the harbormaster, Gabriel Ángel Carreón Pérez. But the clarion call was global. The day before, he circulated a message to all vessels in port, asking everyone to sound their horns at 12 PM local time. As far as we could tell, all ships complied.

BIMCO, the Baltic and International Maritime Council, an international shipping association that represents shipowners, reports that as of October 7, forty countries and three Dutch islands in the Antilles remain closed for seafarers. Many more countries continue to enforce restrictions based on travel history, require quarantine, or demand crew travel to the airport immediately.

So many seafarers remain stranded. Some have not left their ship for well over a year, causing significant physical and psychological hardship. The main challenge for seafarers who are trapped aboard their ships is the sheer uncertainty they face. When and where will they be able to step off? Will they be able to get home? Will they be able to get back to work afterward? And what will “home” be like?

What Is the New Normal in Shipping?

Despite restrictions easing, the “crew change crisis” is escalating. The nearly four hundred thousand maritime workers stuck at sea is up one hundred thousand from August, when IMO secretary-general Kitack Lim called for urgent action.

With the crisis persisting and more options for crew change becoming available, tensions are emerging between workers and their bosses. Labor unions and their peak body, the ITF, vocally prioritize crew welfare and urge repatriation and crew change as per contract terms. Shipowners, on the other hand, tend to think solely of their bottom line. Their priority is to deliver cargo at the port of destination, with no delays — lest they risk having to pay hefty penalties to cargo owners for tardiness.

But shipping companies are doing well. Thanks to market consolidation, mostly through inter-corporate alliances, shipping rates have continued to be high through 2020. It is high time that the shipping industry accepts that the real challenges it faced due to border closures in early 2020 no longer exist. Crew change is now possible and should be facilitated in line with seafarers’ contracts and the Maritime Labour Convention, even if this leads to minor delays.

The continuing reliance on seafarers working beyond their contracts poses a safety risk and infringes on workers’ rights. It creates a situation that Jan de Boer, an IMO representative who has worked to repatriate many stranded seafarers this year, says borders on forced labor.

Virtually every country in the world relies on maritime shipping for its imports and exports, and despite trade wars and incentives to “re-shore” manufacturing, that will remain so for the time being. Right now, we need to ensure that the Maritime Labour Convention isn’t permanently undermined due to the initial “force majeure” of the COVID-19 pandemic and that crew change, no matter the cost, is possible.

And crucially, that extra cost is something shipping companies, not workers, should bear. Seafarers have struggled enough this year.

Originally ran in Jacobin 10.11.2020

I’m writing to ask for your financial help to publish Herb Mills


Herb Mills: Family Man, Longshoreman, Student Movement Leader, Labor Leader, Strategist, Actor, Scholar, A Tribute

A Collection of his writing, stories about him, interviews with him, articles about him including analyses of his intellectual and public life, and tributes to him, with accompanying documents and photography. 

A Collection of his writing, stories about him, interviews with him, articles about him including analyses of his intellectual and public life, and tributes to him, with accompanying documents and photography. 

Mike Miller, editor

Joe Blum & Patricia Goudvis, photography

As many of you will remember, Herb was an important contributor to the Berkeley student movement.  He played a major role in SLATE, the campus political party, and the 1960 student-led anti-HUAC demonstrations.  He traveled throughout the country discrediting the right-wing film that claimed to document the HUAC events.

In 1963, he left a promising academic career to become a San Francisco Bay Area longshoreman, and a leader in the International Longshoremen’s & Warehousemen’s Union (ILWU)–one of the most progressive unions in the country.

During those years, and in his retirement, Herb wrote numerous articles, papers and monographs on the student movement, the ILWU, the pre- and post-containerization nature of longshore work, and related matters.  Some of these have been published–usually in specialized labor history or labor economics journals.  

During his leadership in Local 10, he was the chief organizer of the union’s actions against dictatorships in Chile, El Salvador, Philippines and South Korea.  He was invited to the inauguration of Kim Dae Jung as President of South Korea—as a “thank you” for saving Kim’s life.

These stories and more are part of this book, as well as wonderful photographs by Joe Blum and Patricia Goudvis.

In addition, in 1999 Herb did an oral history with ILWU oral historian Harvey Schwartz.  Excerpts from the oral history are part of the book as well.

The book is nearing completion.  We are now raising funds for its publication and distribution (it will be self-published).

We’re writing to ask for your financial support for this project. Checks should be made to “OTC” and mailed to:

Herb Mills Legacy Project
442 Vicksburg Street, San Francisco, CA  94114
Please write “HMLP” on the memo line

You can use PayPal, HERE

If you do not want your donation acknowledged in the book, please let us know.   

Many thanks in advance for your support, and for past support to those who have already given.


Note: Mike Miller is a contributer to the Stansbury Forum and Peter Olney, who has contributed an essay for the book, is the Stansbury Forum’s co-editor.

About the author

Mike Miller

Mike Miller’s work can be found at www.organizetrainingcenter.org. He was a Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee “field secretary” from late 1962 to the end of 1966, and directed a Saul Alinsky community organizing project in the mid-1960s. View all posts by Mike Miller →

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Truth is trouble…It is trouble for the warmonger, the torturer, the corporate thief, the political hack, the corrupt justice system, and for a comatose public. 

                                           Toni Morrison, The Source of Self Regard, vii-viii.

       We are in a time of profound change. We are in a transformative moment when the Covid19 pandemic, uprisings against racial injustice and white supremacy, the unrelenting climate crisis, and rising forces of fascism and repression, all come together to force a shift that will either propel the world forward or drive it into a tailspin. 

       This moment pivots on how much and how well the United States deals with its past. As Joanne Freeman noted in her August 2020 essay in The Atlantic:

“…before the United States can move ahead, it has to reckon with its past… America’s national identity is grounded in a shared understanding of American history—the country’s failures, successes, traditions, and ideals. Shape that narrative and you can shape a nation.” (emphasis added).

       How do we understand this moment? How do we address its urgency? How do we shape the US narrative? And what does this moment mean for artists, art, and the arts movement?


   Art is not a mirror held up to reality but a hammer with which to shape it. 

Bertolt Brecht                                                  

       This is a time to reexamine and reflect on the role of art and artists, to ponder what artists should do. We need to be discussing this, debating it, and writing about it, not only among artists, but the whole community.                                                                  

       As a member of the community of artists, I offer my thoughts on what artists need to do.  

First and foremost, we need to tell the truth. Artists tell the truth. We do not lie, cover up, obfuscate, gaslight, or avoid. Telling the truth in the United States, a nation rooted and rotting in lies, means we must directly and relentlessly fight the lies.

       We also need to bring people together emotionally, spiritually, politically, geographically, and organizationally.  We can play a role in uniting people, on racial justice (pro-Black Lives Matter and against racist violence), gender justice (women’s rights and rights of trans persons), and internationalism (pro-Palestinian, pro-Puerto-Rican independence, and against the Cuba blockade, for starters). We must also unite people to fight the climate crisis. 

        We can strengthen our communities through art. Art expresses the people’s anguish, sorrow, determination, pride, and joy, and helps us heal from trauma. We also need to get people to think. We need art that encourages questioning, art that promotes critical thinking in the tradition of  Paulo Freire, whose theory and practice help people discover solutions to their problems. We need to reflect on our real history, rather than the white-washed one we’ve been fed.  We need to unearth our peoples’ past contributions and realities.

          Last but not least, we need to fight the fascist trends that are growing every day. These include, but are not limited to: voter suppression; racist anti-Black and anti-people of color violence; anti-intellectual and anti-science stances; anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-foreign language attitudes and policies; anti-women legislation and practices; actions that jeopardize the constitution-based courts system; and the wholesale obliteration of environmental protections. We must fight all fascist actions that curb our right to protest, and those that limit or simply refuse accountability for those in power.

        A key step is deconstructing the lies.


I attest to this: the world is not white; it never was white, cannot be white. White is a metaphor for power, and that is simply a way of describing Chase Manhattan Bank.  

James Baldwin, I Am Not Your Negro

       To fight fascism and move toward the society we want and need, artists must confront, deconstruct, and refute what I call the Ten Big Lies That Blind US, 2020:  

Lie Number 1: The United States was established based on freedom and equality; rather than forged in genocide and slavery.  The Declaration of Independence was a document that belied the realities of its time. Certainly there were noble intentions among its drafters, who hoped the dreamlike vision they wrote about might one day be achieved. But as written, it is  a kind of national creative non-fiction, a passage in a dreamed-of memoir about what might have been and what might be. 

Even the country’s chosen name, made official on September 9, 1776, was equivocal. Long referred to as “the United Colonies,” the nation was on that day named the United States of America, in an action that decisively made official the erasure of both indigenous North America and indigenous peoples throughout the Americas. 

Lie Number 2: White Supremacy. The fundamental, foundational lie of the United States was and is white supremacy, the ideology and system that allowed all subsequent lies to gain traction. White supremacy asserted, legalized, and operationalized itself based on the lie that Europeans persons were legally, morally, mentally, physically, and spiritually superior to all persons of color, be they indigenous peoples or kidnapped African people. 

A lie based on a lie, white supremacy invented whiteness and considered persons who were “non-white” to be less than human, thus excluding them from standards of human treatment, rationalizing their captivity, and legitimizing genocide.   

White supremacy can be likened to permafrost, frozen earth firmly held in place for centuries which now, due to earth’s increased temperatures, is disintegrating and destroying the stability of the land and everything rooted in it, while in the process releasing toxic gases that further poison the earth. 

White supremacy is our nation’s permafrost. And it is melting.  

Lie Number 3The colonial settlers were helpful, kind friends of acquiescing natives; rather than murderers and thieves who oversaw the genocide of indigenous peoples that continues to this day. 

Lie Number 4: Slavery was not so bad, and it’s over; rather than being the systematic, centuries-long oppression, torture, violence, murder, and genocide of Black people.   

Lie Number 5: The United States colonized Puerto Rico to help the “savages” who could not govern themselves, rather than invading the island in 1898 to plunder its vast resources and use the island as a military outpost for intervention throughout the Americas.

What am I driving at? At this idea: that no one colonizes innocently, that no one colonizes with impunity either; that a nation which colonizes, that a civilization which justifies colonization—and therefore force—is already a sick civilization, a civilization which is morally diseased, which irresistibly, progressing from one consequence to another, one denial to another, calls for its Hitler, I mean its punishment. 

Aimé Césaire, Discourse on Colonialism

Lie Number 6: “Manifest destiny” was a legitimate rationale for US expansion, rather than an excuse for outright theft of lands from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 

Lie Number 7:  US worldwide interventions have been well-intentioned attempts to extend a helping hand to poor or disadvantaged nations; rather than a way to exploit populations and resources, establish and defend US hegemony, and control the planet’s wealth. 

Lie Number 8: The United States is a unique, different, special, unparalleled, exceptional nation/geopolitical power; rather than using this essentially narcissistic lie as a veil to hide atrocities and excuse them, avoiding accountability for all crimes. 

Lie Number 9: The climate crisis is a hoax to be exposed, rather than the global existential crisis that will determine the planet’s future.  

Lie Number 10: Covid19 is a hoax, a little flu, and is under control; rather than a raging global pandemic that has sickened millions and killed hundreds of thousands.  

We are rapidly approaching the figure of 200,000 US lives lost due to the lies of the current government, and by its incompetence and negligence responding to the pandemic. 

What is happening now in the United States, with the high and disproportionate number of deaths among Black people and other people of color, is a painful echo of the past, when the genocidal system of slavery prevailed, when blankets infected with smallpox were given to indigenous peoples, and when one-third of Puerto Rican women of childbearing age were sterilized by force.


       There are many other lies the country is based on, and they too should be addressed. These ten lies are essential to the nation’s DNA. These are lies that need to be pointed out, refuted, and replaced with the real history of how this country came about, and at what cost to what peoples.  

       What happens when we get rid of the lies?

       We will need to arrive at a new narrative, one that acknowledges the grievous harm done, while affirming the positive characteristics of US history. It will not be a simple or brief or easy process. And it is bound to be fraught with contradictions and pain.

Any real change implies the breakup of the world as one has always known it, the loss of all that gave one identity, the end of safety.
  James Baldwin, Nobody Knows My Name

       As Baldwin suggests, the disruption of the lies, the disintegration of the long-accepted narrative, is disorienting. It is at once breathtaking and breath-giving for those long oppressed by the lies. The exhilaration of truth is both shocking and empowering. It  leaves one yearning to know the real history, the real story, the truth. That search is one in which artists can play a key role.  

       For those who have long benefitted from white supremacy and its quotidian goody-bag, white privilege, “the end of safety” is a source of extreme reaction, hatred and violence, which shakes the rustling robes of those deposed by the truth, and galvanizes their stubborn refusal to heed norms and laws, stoked by 45’s unrelenting calls for chaos. 

       This is the dangerous moment we are in. We are facing “anti-maskers” toting guns into state buildings rather than heed public health guidelines, and “pro-blue” armed gangs driving vehicles into throngs of peaceful protesters or gunning them down with rifles, both scenarios starkly absent appropriate responses from so-called “law enforcement.”  

       The “end of safety” is the source of cries to “go back to where you came from” directed at people whose ancestors were the first to till the land here hundreds of years ago, cries coming from people utterly terrified of  21st century US demographics, which are constantly and irrevocably changing. 

       The fundamental fear and outrage that MAGA supporters express with brute force—and unprecedented impunity—is that they will no longer be able to keep others down, to enjoy “birthright” advantages in housing, education, employment, and all arenas of social and economic life. Fears that they will no longer be able to convince anyone, including themselves, that they are “superior.” 

        If white supremacy were the underpinning of  “only” extreme right-wing forces, this moment would be difficult, though not as daunting. But white supremacy is our nation’s foundation, its permafrost, and it’s not just the red-capped brutes who can feel the earth beginning to shift. The police—indeed, armed forces of all stripes—are working hard to keep their footing, and their allies in domed towers and halls of state are stepping up to throw them a lifeline, as whole chunks of disintegrating soil break apart and fall into the depths.

       This is the fascism we have to fight. 


History is not the past. It is the present. We carry our history with us.
                       We are our history.
                                             James Baldwin, I Am Not Your Negro

       As we tackle the big lies, we quickly encounter the role of erasure in white supremacy. For just as white supremacy invents, privileges, and sings the praises of whiteness, it launches the systematic erasure of Blackness. That erasure has served as an essential tool for genocide. White supremacy disappears Black people (and indigenous peoples, and colonized peoples), their history and voices, their actions and contributions, and even their names. 

       For example, in “The Problem is White Supremacy,”  Barbara Smith speaks of Ann Petry’s novella “In Darkness and Confusion” (about the 1943 Harlem Race Riot) in a way similar to how Toni Morrison discusses, in “The Foreigner’s Home,” Camara Laye’s “The Radiance of the King”—as works of literature that shed light on, and are examples of,  the rich writing tradition of Black peoples in the USA and Africa, which has been for the most part buried and ignored. 

       What this means for US history is that it must be excavated.

       We must become archaeologists, digging to unearth the real history of our country from the mass graves it was tossed in, from the incomplete parchment documenting who lived and who died, from the systematically promulgated canons that obliterate Blackness, and have made whatever little is permitted to be written in invisible ink. (How many important primary sources, such as the selected works of Puerto Rican leader Pedro Albizu Campos, quickly fall into out-of-print status, becoming unavailable to the next generations of readers?)  Enter, into deep trenches with dusty clouds abounding, the artists.  And art. And artistic movements. 

Support Black Artists and other People of Color Artists

       As we dig, we need to combat erasure intentionally and consistently. 

       We must defend and support Black artists and other people of color artists by supporting and sharing the art they create, but also by identifying and breaking down the barriers that exist to Black art being embraced as central to US culture. These are publishing industry barriers, music industry barriers, art industry barriers, film industry barriers, media and social media barriers, and others, as well as the fundamental economic barriers that impede the work and success of virtually all artists. We should give special attention to the philanthropic and nonprofit worlds and their contradictions, as they are a source both of opportunity and of perpetuation of white supremacy. 

Art by and for the people 

       Fortunately, there is a long and multi-faceted tradition of arts serving and advancing social change around the world. We can learn from cultural movements of the world’s past, from Lang Son to Santiago and from San Juan to Cape Town, as well as in the United States. 

       For example, when the AIDS epidemic raged in the 1980s, activists envisioned how friends and family could create a quilt to honor their loved ones who died from the disease. The AIDS Quilt project grew rapidly into a national phenomenon, with thousands upon thousands of quilts being made and displayed, offering a healing and unifying activity to remember those lost to the disease, while helping shatter the stigma surrounding it.  

       In the seventies throughout the Americas, protest music became a loud and ever-present part of movements against dictators and foreign intervention. Victor Jara, the beloved Chilean poet-songwriter who radiated courage as he fought to his death in the 1973 US-supported Pinochet coup, was a leading figure in what would become known (in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, and elsewhere) as the Nueva Trova, or new song movement. In the United States the songs of Nueva Trova were sung and played in movements across the country, deepening bonds of solidarity and friendship while educating activists about neighbors’ struggles.   

       We can also learn from socialist countries, such as Cuba and Vietnam, that have for decades utilized the arts and culture to transform their societies. There are lessons to learn from their experiences achieving society-wide goals by utilizing culturally effective campaigns, such as Vietnam’s recent campaign against the coronavirus. As a result of their decisive efforts, cultural and educational offerings, and diligent handling of infections, Vietnam has defeated the coronavirus, with only 34 deaths to date.                    

A New Nuremberg 

       We also need artists and artistic movements to demand accountability. Artists can point to  individuals and regimes that have committed crimes against the planet and peoples of the world, such as Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Benjamin Netanyahu, Jair Bolsonaro, and Rodrigo Duterte. Artists can help create and advance the demand that these individuals and regimes be held accountable.

        We need a global forum for accountability, justice, and consequences for those who have carried out genocidal crimes against people and terracide against the planet. We call on mechanisms and vehicles from the past century that were used to seek justice for crimes against humanity. Artists can and must declare that now, in the 21st century, we need a new Nuremberg.


Not everything is lost. Responsibility cannot be lost, it can only be abdicated. 
If one refuses abdication, one begins again. 

 “Thinking with Jimmy.” Eddie Glaude, Begin Againxxix.

        History is not in the rear-view mirror. It is straight ahead, every day, if we can only see it.   It may sometimes be in our peripheral vision—fleeting, uncertain, intuitive, even hallucinatory. Artists must strive for, and nurture in one another, characteristics that foster vision: boldness, courage, creativity, and innovation. We must defend and support artists with vision, and unleash it in ourselves. As artists, we are called upon to ask ourselves, “Can we have Cassandra-like vision?  Can we imagine this world we want to see?” 

       At what point do fortune tellers become fortune-creators?  That dream-into-reality process can happen when artists combine vision, clarity, determination, and skills with the galloping will of the people.

       It will not be easy. It will be a bumpy ride. The potholes have been growing, and sinkholes show up where they’re least expected. Then there’s that ominous Hummer hogging the road. 

       But there is a path that can be taken now, and artists must take it.  For even in the darkest moments,  we can call upon our ancestors to guide us, so that when we stumble, we can begin again.    

       I’m holding Jimmy Baldwin’s words close to my heart. 

       And I’m riding with Cassandra


Originally appeared in

In Motion Magazine 28 September 2020



Baldwin, James. I Am Not Your Negro. Documentary film based on Baldwin’s unfinished manuscript Remember This House. Directed by Raoul Peck. Velvet Film, 2016.  

Baldwin, James. The Cross of Redemption. Uncollected Writings. Randall, Kenan, ed. New York: Vintage International, 2011. 

Baldwin, James. “Faulkner and Desegregation.” Nobody Knows My Name: More Notes of a Native Son. New York: Vintage, 1992.

Césaire, Aimé.  Discourse on Colonialism. Translated by Joan Pinkham. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2000.

Freeman, Joanne. “I’m a Historian. I See Reason to Fear—And to Hope.”  The Atlantic. August 17, 2020. Accessed September 2, 2020. 

Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. New York: Continuum, 1990.

Glaude, Eddie S., Jr. Begin Again. James Baldwin’s America and its Urgent Lessons for Our Own.  New York: Crown, 2020. 

Morrison, Toni. The Source of Self-Regard. Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations. New York: Alfred Knopf, 2019.  

Smith, Barbara.  “The Problem is White Supremacy.” Opinion. Boston Globe. June 30, 2020. Accessed September 2, 2020. 

Vietnam Coronavirus Video. You Tube.  Accessed September 2, 2020. 

Worldometer Coronavirus Tracking. Vietnam

Accessed September 2, 2020. 


About the author

Mariana Mcdonald

Mariana Mcdonald is a poet, writer, scientist, and activist. Her work has appeared in numerous publications, including poetry in Crab Orchard Review, Lunch Ticket, and The New Verse News; fiction in So to Speak and Cobalt; creative nonfiction in Longridge Review and HerStry; and journalism in In Motion Magazine. She co-authored with Margaret Randall the recently-released Dominga Rescues the Flag/Dominga rescata la bandera, the story of black Puerto Rican heroine Dominga de la Cruz. Mcdonald lives in Atlanta, Georgia. View all posts by Mariana Mcdonald →


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Letter to NFL players, active and retired: Choice means Dignity – Dignity means Choice


The Cardinals bench sometime in the 1960s. David Meggyesy #60, on the right

In the fall of 1970 I was playing Harvard college football in the midst of continuing turmoil over US involvement in Vietnam and the denial of civil rights to people of color. I read a book called “Out of Their League” by Dave Meggyesy. It was an eye opener and an inspiration to me. Dave was a star defensive player at Syracuse University and then went on to a career with the St. Louis football Cardinals in the 60’s. He was the Colin Kaepernick of his era, refusing to “properly” salute the flag during the anthem to protest racism and militarism. He was benched and blackballed, but went on to become a leader of the NFL Players Association and its West Coast Director. The Stansbury Forum is proud to run Dave’s letter to NFL players on the eve of this important election.  
Peter Olney, Co-Editor of the Stansbury Forum


The late Gene Upshaw, is a 16year Oakland Raider, NFL Hall of Fame member and 25 years Executive Director of the NFL Players Association (NFLPA).  I was the Western Regional Director of the NFLPA. 

Gene used to say, “it is about our Dignity as players and men”. For us NFL players the issue was and still is, the Dignity of Choice as men, to play NFL football on any team. The NFLPA, the NFL player’s labor union, the players won the 11-year war against the 32 NFL owners in 1993. For the first time Free Agency, meant the players had a choice to play professional football and work for any NFL team.

Before 1993 NFL players were neo-slaves, because there was no Choice. College players were selected, drafted by NFL owners and told where they could to be employed for life and play football as one of the 32 NFL teams. 

The Dignity of Choice is a state of mind that all adult individual human beings possess. It is basically saying YES or NO. I believe dignity is the destiny of choice for all people. The transition toward a better world in the future is every individual’s choice and is making a choice itself.  And It is the most essential issue in our current lives.

Why we vote and can vote, because we have a choice, because we have and possess the dignity of choice, of choosing. So, teammates and friends, it is your choice.


The War On Drugs


A review of Chasing the Scream:  The Search for the Truth About Addiction.  Johann Hari.  Bloomsberry paperback, 2019.

Photo: Robert Gumpert

Once upon a time, about 100 years ago, there was no war on drugs. They were legal. Most people who used them weren’t addicts. You could buy some of them “over the counter;” others were routinely prescribed by doctors.  Then Harry Anslinger arrived on the scene and began working at the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Beginning in the 1930s, he “did more than any individual to create the drug world we now live in.” Amongst other things, he’s responsible for the death of Billie Holiday. He is a despicable character. But Hari wants us to understand that Anslinger could only pursue his dark agenda because of a widespread darkness in human beings, a susceptibility to fear, a willingness to find explanations in devils when there are no facts to support them. 

This book is personal. Hari’s partner was an addict, as were good friends and members of his family. He takes us on a journey of discovery to find out why “war” replaced acceptance and treatment. He documents the tremendous cost of this war—to those upon whom it’s waged, those who fight it who are themselves dehumanized in the process, and to the larger society that tacitly or explicitly supports it.  His travels take him to slum neighborhoods in major cities across the globe, the Mexican border with the U.S., Uruguay, Portugal, Britain, Australia and elsewhere. He is on a determined search to get to the root of the matter—the original meaning of “radical.” Thus this is a radical book though not in the way the word is now typically used.

Hari’s sources are addicts and those who love them, politicians on both sides of the battle, scientists who justify and criticize prohibition, social workers, dealers, cops and anyone else who might shed light on his quest. Along the way, he travels extensively, digs deeply, and reflects carefully. I think the book is a model for anyone who wants to explain complicated things to a general readership.

The war on booze was waged in the U.S. during Prohibition.  Its result was the creation of a whole underworld of gangsters, killing, corruption of politicians and more. It didn’t work. People who wanted to drink found a way to do so. Only now, because it was illegal, they decided if they were going to take the risk they might as well go for more potent stuff. Beer suffered; high alcohol content gained.  Prohibition didn’t work. It didn’t diminish drinking. Yet despite the fact that prohibition of drugs was so similar a scenario, no one had the combined wisdom and clout to stop Anslinger and his Joe McCarthy-like crusade. It turns out he was a friend of McCarthy’s, and that McCarthy had a dirty little secret: he was a user! 

This is what Hari concludes: people use drugs recreationally because they like it. They don’t become addicted. A much smaller number, who were damaged emotionally in some way—usually in childhood, use drugs to escape their pain.  It is the pain that is the source of their addiction, not the heroin, cocaine, crack, marijuana or whatever is their preferred escape hatch. Some fraction who use the chemically most potent of the drugs may become physically addicted, but it’s not hard in the right circumstances for them to quit. 

Hari also introduces us to the politicians and public interest groups that are fighting to make drugs legal. Portugal was the first nation to do it. Cities across the world have done it.  Now several states in the U.S. have taken the first step by legalizing marijuana. 

You will meet some incredible people in this book; you will enjoy meeting them. They are the ones who are fighting for peace. They range from former addicts to major political leaders. 

There are tragic stories as well. Billie Holiday’s most of all, though the fate of young people who get sucked up into drug gangs is a close runner-up.

The cure to addiction, Hari argues, is connection. That’s right. Not medication but meaningful relationships that provide support, community and purpose in people’s lives. Here I think he misses an important distinction. Most of his examples are programs in which health professionals, social workers or former users become support people for addicts.  This is the normal provider-client relationship at its best.  Its practitioners are fantastic human beings.  

But connection has another dimension. In the coal mining counties of West Virginia where Hari goes to look at the widespread abuse of opioids, there were meaningful, well paying, jobs. Men who did the work were part of a powerful union that asserted, defended and extended their rights and benefits. Workers were part of an occupational community, the creation of both their isolation from others and their interdependence on the job. They were deeply connected.  That’s what good organizing creates and good popular organizations provide. I wish Hari had given more attention to this. 

Read this book!  You will learn from, enjoy, and be inspired by it.