There Are Many …

By and

Taken in Maricopa County, AZ. during the 2020 presidential campaign and modified this month to reflect the 2024 campaign. Photo: Peter Olney

It is time to stand up and take action this year more than ever to stop Maga extremism. Even if you have never engaged in electoral politics before, there are many easily accessible options available for everyone. 

Direct person to person to contact has been shown to be the most effective means of convincing people to vote. There are many grassroots organizing groups, like Swing Left and Seed the Vote, that will help you find the best fit for you. I need specific answers to the issues below before I make a commitment to canvass:

  • Is the race winnable for the Democrats? Will it be a close election? Is the race in a swing district that could have national implications? 
  • Does the candidate have positions that are aligned with my politics?
  • Is the location close enough to my home to make it affordable for my budget? Is transportation provided? Do I have family or friends who could provide lodging for me? 

Personally, I will be canvassing for Josh Harder in Congressional District 9, Rudy Salas in Congressional District 22, Derek Tran in Congressional District 45, and Harris/Walz and Senator Jacki Rosen in Nevada.

Phone bank 1988. Wall Street, NYC. Photo: Robert Gumpert

I actually enjoy phone banking a lot. It takes just one positive interaction with a potential voter to “make my day!” All the campaigns use predictive automatic dialing now so you no longer need to wait endlessly for someone to answer. It can be done virtually on Zoom or in person in some locations. Training with an easy to follow script is always provided beforehand. Volunteers are needed who are multi-lingual… 

I also have friends who do not feel comfortable speaking directly to voters. So, they choose to send blast texts to people’s cell phones that can reach thousands of voters. For more information, check out:

I try to participate in phone banking 1-2 times a week for a couple of hours each time.

My wife, Trinidad Madrigal, has been prolific in organizing postcard writing parties with her friends every other week. She enjoys the camaraderie that occurs naturally as people share their stories while writing personalized invites to voters to become engaged. Given all the junk mail we receive, it is amazing that a handwritten postcard will always be perused. Sometimes, the postcard parties are held in people’s homes, and other times, a local brewery or taqueria agrees to host the event. Regardless, food and drink are always involved. If you want to attend or organize such a party, go to:

There are so many close races that need your support. We decided to send money to Democratic candidates in close races who need to win in order to maintain control of the Senate and create a firewall just in case. Go to: Swing Left, Seed the Vote

The bottom line is we all need To Do Something! Just think how we will all feel when we wake up on November 6th!

This is what happens when we all chip in and work for a better outcome.

In Solidarity

One thought on There Are Many …

  1. Great piece on how to win elections. It’s not who has the most support. It’s who gets the most votes. A volunteers based voter ID and turnout campaign is the sine qua non of winning an election. Of course, one still needs to raise enough money to have the paid staff to recruit and whip the voter ID volunteers.
    Our campaigns in SF are encountering a scary problem – the difficulty of achieving personal contact with voters. People answer neither their doors nor their phones. “Direct” contact through a door bell camera has to suffice. Folks don’t answer the phone if they don’t recognize the incoming number. The further atomization of American society is hurting us.

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