Is it possible to have Expedition Cruises?


It’s Sunday morning, the 11th of November, and in San Francisco the sky is as it has been for the last few days: gray and smelling of smoke. Late news last night was 23 have died in the Camp Fire north of Sacramento, where San Francisco’s smoke-filled air originates.

In the south, Martin Sheen and his wife apparently slept on the beach as parts of the Malibu colony of stars either burned or threatened to burn. Reports are two have died here.

Once again California is going up in flames. The President, who canceled a short walk through a WW1 graveyard of fallen soldiers because of a drizzling rain, tweeted that the fires in California are a product of gross mismanagement and his government won’t be sending any help until management of the resources changes. In the meantime he and Rick Scott are claiming fraud in an election not yet decided, in an election time where the real fraud is voter suppression committed by the party in power. When you come right down to it, the Republican’s are sort of Maoist in that they keep saying there needs to be a revolution against the government they are totally in charge of.

However none of this is what brought me to the computer this morning in my somewhat oxygen-starved brain. It is “T” magazine-Sunday at the New York Times, and time to see what “things” await me if somehow I can figure out how to make a lot of money. Mind you “T” is paired this week with the New York Times Magazine whose cover story is “How Law Enforcement Failed to See the Threat of White Nationalism”. Right there on the kitchen table is America: Racism, Money, and Power.

“T” magazine’s readership is extremely well-heeled, hence the number and type of ads. An early one caught my eye, “Where Luxury Roams Freely”.  It’s for “Crystal Yacht Expedition Cruises” with a photo of the gleaming white “all-suite, all-butler, all-inclusive luxury expedition ship” motoring through some remote Arctic, or perhaps Antarctic sea.

So here I am in SF.  My state is covered in flames and smoke; firefighters and prisoners are battling the flames to try and save what they can during a drought brought on by mismanagement. The mismanagement of corporations and their representatives in government, and I’m wondering just what the hell is a luxury expedition?

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